by Reboot Partners | Nov 21, 2015 | From the Blog, Press Room
Richard Eisenberg featured The Retirement Boom on with a special interview with Co-Author Cathy Allen. Cathy covers the topics of using visualization to prepare for retirement, how to protect yourself from retirement robbers, and how a pre-retirement...
by Reboot Partners | Mar 16, 2015 | From the Blog, News
We Reboot Partners have nothing against children – we have them ourselves! But we can’t help but agree with this recent article by Carol Hymowitz in Bloomburg Business uncovering the fact that many parents are risking their retirement savings by...
by Reboot Partners | Sep 4, 2014 | From the Blog, Media and Other Appearances, Press Room
Co-Founder Catherine Allen was featured on Super Aging NJ and Super Aging Today Radio sharing her expertise on sabbaticals, self reinvention & rebooting your life at any age! Listen to full show here.
by Reboot Partners | Apr 3, 2014 | From the Blog
We were so inspired by this New York Times “Op-Doc” video by Josh Izenberg about “Slomo” – a former neurologist who left his professional life completely to spend his days skating along Pacific Beach in San Diego. What a way to...
by Reboot Partners | Feb 7, 2014 | From the Blog, News, Press Room
Reboot Partners was featured in this new article on the NBC News website about the rise of adults taking mid-life gap years, a subject we’ve been interviewed about before. Usually seen as a tradition solely for young people before they start college, adults are...