Sag Harbor Retreat Builds Dreams and Pathways
“Experiencing the Reboot Your Life Retreat is transformative.”
“What I got from the retreat: Direction. Unstuck. Inspired. New community of yay-sayers!”
— Retreat Participants
“To our dreams,” they toasted, echoing a song they sang together from The Greatest Showman
movie. “They” were the outstanding group who gathered in Sag Harbor, New York for the
September 2022 Reboot Your Life Retreat. They came from diverse backgrounds to meet each
other and bond on their journey and name their group The Champions. They were inspired
from the beginning with this quote that one participant offered early on:
“What you are seeking is seeking you.” — Rumi
Walking on the beach to visualize their next chapters, they all came up with ideas and themes
to drive their next chapters. They bonded over conversations, the calming effect of water, and
home-cooked gourmet meals of early autumn NY foods like salmon and corn on the cob. We
offered plenty of exercises and topics for exploration to put together plans. They came to new
perspectives and paths.
This group bonded so beautifully and all said they were fulfilled. All created a roadmap for their
next chapter. They already have scheduled a reunion in November to check in, enjoy each
others’ company again, and most likely chart further progress.
Dancing on the deck sealed the deal. It was joyful and so heartfelt.
Come and join us next time. We have two retreats in 2023, then we will take a hiatus after 14
years of Reboot Your Life Retreats. We will continue to do corporate programs and will do
Customized Retreats for groups that self form.
2023 dates and locations are: May 5-7, 2023 in Santa Fe, New Mexico
September 29-October 1, 2023 in Sag Harbor, New York
For more information and to register: https://rebootbreak.com/rebootreinvent/