by Reboot Partners | Sep 4, 2013 | Press Room, Published Articles
Recently our own Catherine Allen was quoted in the NYSE’s article, The Rise of the Lawyer-Director: “Having a lawyer on the board helps to make sure a company walks an ethical line and that your company is asking the necessary questions around risk,” observes...
by Reboot Partners | Jun 21, 2013 | From the Blog, Personal Stories, Press Room, Published Articles
We love hearing stories about how our book has inspired people to take their own Reboot Breaks. Melinda recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of her career break on her blog and how reading Reboot Your Life prompted her to do it: “At one time, I...
by Reboot Partners | Jun 19, 2013 | From the Blog, News, Press Room, Published Articles
Reboot Partner Catherine Allen’s important message to Cut Back on Technology was featured in the May 2013 issue of Inside Supply Management. As mentioned in our Reboot Your Life June Newsletter, turning away from technology and the media helps us...
by Reboot Partners | Jun 16, 2013 | From the Blog, News, Press Room
Reboot Partner Nancy Bearg is featured in her alma mater Willamette University’s special feature The Expert in the Room. The article follows Nancy’s trailblazing career in National Security from being the first female professional staff member for the...
by Reboot Partners | May 30, 2013 | From the Blog, Press Room, The Books
We were thrilled that our book Reboot Your Life was featured in this great review: “Dare to Sabbatical: Dare to Take a Year Off to Travel” on Boomer-Living+ “serving the 50+ active community with special information and resources.”...
by Reboot Partners | May 24, 2013 | From the Blog, News, Personal Stories, Press Room
Marci Alboher, the President of Encore, interviewed Reboot Your Life co-author Rita Foley for her new book, The Encore Career Handbook. Check out Rita’ inspiring message to give yourself a break! You may hear the word sabbatical and think, “Never gonna...