by Reboot Partners | Feb 2, 2016 | From the Blog, News
Rita Foley and Jaye Smith sat down to talk to Karen Kalis about Reboot Your Life on her popular webinar. Here’s what Karen had to say after meeting with them: “Jaye Smith and Rita Foley left me feeling completely energized after their interview. According...
by Reboot Partners | Sep 17, 2015 | From the Blog, Retreats
“The weather was beautiful, the setting stunning and conducive to sharing, and the food – fabulous!” …so said the seven attendees at the Santa Fe Reboot Your Life Retreat who met last month, and who have since dubbed themselves The Reboot...
by Reboot Partners | May 22, 2015 | Events, From the Blog, Retreats
“I have clarity for my near future. I’m so inspired! The practical aspects of what we learned are so valuable, and I feel much more grounded.” “I now know what I want to focus on while also being open to possibilities.” “Thank you for helping me sort through the noise...
by Reboot Partners | Mar 5, 2015 | From the Blog, News, Press Room, Published Articles
Retired & not-quite-yet: the exciting adventures of all of the Reboot Partners are featured in this month’s issue of Travel With a Challenge web magazine. From Ireland to Idaho to Iceland, Cathy, Nancy, Rita, and Jaye were thrilled to share the ways...
by Reboot Partners | Mar 2, 2015 | Events, From the Blog, Retreats
“What a gift to myself! I am walking away with a clear path to follow my dreams!” “Trust the process these talented, giving, experienced coaches will lead you on. Your gift will be a safe journey into your next exciting chapter.” ~ NYC Retreat Participants 2015 As...