by Reboot Partners | Sep 30, 2014 | From the Blog, Press Room
Reboot Partner Cathy Allen was featured in an illuminating article by Gwen Moran on – How Taking a Sabbatical Isn’t as Impossible as it Sounds. Cathy highlights what we find in some of our research about the ways in which...
by Reboot Partners | Jul 1, 2014 | From the Blog
In preparation for our new book on retirement coming out this fall, we continue to find more and more fascinating ways that individuals and companies are re-creating retirement. This article in The Atlantic focuses on the wisdom of part-time retirement, specifically...
by Reboot Partners | Apr 9, 2014 | From the Blog
We were very interested to see this article about SAP – one of our interviewees for our 1st book! It highlights the company’s program of giving “social sabbaticals” to retain tomorrow’s leaders: “93 percent of CEOs acknowledge that they...
by Reboot Partners | Feb 14, 2014 | From the Blog, News
We were struck by this article “Non Voyage” on Psychology Today by Laura Berger and Glen Tibaldeo, authors of Radical Sabbatical. It makes the strongest case we’ve read about the negative impacts of the American tradition of leaving vacation days...
by Reboot Partners | Jan 20, 2014 | From the Blog, News, Personal Stories
We were fascinated to see this article by the Associated Press detailing a new program the military is experimenting with to offer officers a year-long sabbatical. The time off is “an intermission period to meet their personal needs,” says Lt. Gen. Howard B. Bromberg,...