Dear Reboot Friends and Colleagues,
‘Tis the winter season. It can be a time to cocoon, reflect, get things done inside. We will talk about that in a minute.
Free Webinar February 15
First, we want to announce our free webinar this Thursday, February 15 on Nurturing Yourself in Stressful Times. Join us 5-5:45pm ET/2-2:45pmPT on Zoom for ideas and discussion on staying calm amidst the chaos. We are excited about this one! Register HERE.
Retreats 2024 – We Are on Sabbatical!
In 2024, we will take a hiatus and not schedule our Reboot Your Life Retreat, after 15 years of several a year. We love doing those signature retreats, but this year, instead, we will do retreats by request. If you or someone you know wants to gather a group of 6-10 for a retreat (and do the logistics), we will customize the retreat and come to facilitate it. If you are interested, please contact us at Retreats are normally a long weekend but we can be flexible.

Thoughts on One’s Unfinished Business
I heard a striking sermon recently called “Unfinished Business.” It was very relevant for planning as the year gets going. The minister (Reverend Sylvia Sumter, Unity of Washington DC) described one’s unfinished business as time-consuming stuff that weighs you down. You know you need to do it but haven’t. The “it” can be a project such as organizing finances or clearing out a closet, an apology, some planning. . . anything. It can be one thing or several.
Why haven’t you done your unfinished business? That’s not a criticism. There are always reasons, often good ones. But, ask yourself why you haven’t done it.
Think about how it would feel to free up yourself and your energy by doing it. For me, it is seeing some clearer spaces in my apartment. I know that would feel great! It is always such a relief to me when I finally check off a project, and it really does clear space in my head, life, living area.
Are you (am I) waiting for the perfect conditions? There are no perfect conditions, said the minister. Also, she said, everything isn’t yours to do. Maybe the clearing of personal space is, but maybe other things aren’t. Maybe some things aren’t your responsibility. So, upon reflection, what is yours to do?
The minister suggested making a commitment to do your unfinished business with a to-do list, accomplishing one a week – or any schedule you choose – but do it and feel the new energy and relief! We also can recommend the buddy system and a personal reward system. (Mine would be carrot cake.)
Chip Conley, our friend and co-founder of the Modern Elder Academy, has a valuable new book called Learning to Love Midlife: 12 Reasons Why Life Gets Better with Age. It is a reframe to common thinking on midlife and will help you see that midlife can be a happy and wonderful next chapter and chapters. Are you nearing or at midlife as he defines it? Probably! He’s mainly talking about 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s.
The book conveys much wisdom, including that in midlife:
- We do a “Midlife Edit” and let go of the emotional baggage, mindsets, and obligations that no longer serve us.
- We begin to feel a part of something bigger than ourselves.
One of the first questions the author asks is: What percentage of your adult life is still ahead of you? Our comment: Yes! A high number! That is exciting. Best to be happy in it. We recommend this book.

Our books are Reboot Your Life and
The Retirement Boom,
plus A Journal for Inspiration.
With warmest wishes,
Cathy Allen, Nancy Bearg, and Jaye Smith
Reboot Partners