by Reboot Partners | May 8, 2011 | News, Press Room
Check out this interview of the Reboot Your Life Co-Authors in the New York Post explaining what a savvy career move a sabbatical can be. After a sabbatical: “You’re going to be more creative, more innovative, and refreshed to be a better employee,” says co-author...
by Reboot Partners | May 5, 2011 | From the Blog
The Sabbatical Sisters continue to travel the country to share the message of Reboot Your Life with readers and to celebrate the launching of the book! See below for images of recent book-signings, and check out our Events page to find out when we’re coming to...
by Reboot Partners | May 3, 2011 | Published Articles
Co-Author Cathy Allen’s article: Burned Out? You Might Just Need a Reboot Break was recently published in Life Science Leader Magazine. Cathy asserts that scheduled downtime for employees may be the key to re-invigorating the financial services industry. She...
by Reboot Partners | Apr 25, 2011 | From the Blog, News, Press Room, Published Articles
Check out Co-Author Jaye Smith’s recent interview by the Toronto Star. Jaye highlights the benefits of taking a Reboot Break, including her own in 2003 – a break that allowed Jaye to reconnect with family and friends and set her on the path of living the...
by Reboot Partners | Apr 25, 2011 | From the Blog, Media and Other Appearances, News, Press Room
[audio:] Click the link above to hear Co-Author Nancy Bearg speak about Reboot-ing Your Life on the radio show Connect with Kimberly Reid – KKZZ Los...